After contacting us via email, we then have a telephone interview to discuss your requirements and suitability and our expectations. We then arrange a home check. When we are satisfied you are suitable for any of our cats, we will let you know whether the cat you have chosen is the right one for you. Once you have made any or all security changes, we come back to check all is well and then we bring your cat to you. You will fill in and sign a pre-adoption form and four weeks later, we do our follow up check. If both you and the cat are happy, you will sign the final adoption form, pay your donation and the cat is now your baby. All our cats must remain chipped to us as we offer life-long rescue back up. If, for ANY reason, you can no longer keep your cat, they MUST be returned to us and at no time be passed on to anyone else. We take adoption very seriously and as such, if we choose you for one of our cats, you are a very special person and will join a highly selective bunch!
There are currently no cats available for adoption.