Indoor Cats London


We ask for a donation of £130 per cat. This donation is mandatory. Sadly, if you cannot afford this small amount, you certainly won’t be able to afford vet bills. Please consider all costs before contemplating getting a cat. This small amount is a pay forward donation which goes a tiny way to covering the cost of our next rescue/rescues. Without donations, we wouldn’t be able to help the sick, abandoned and injured cats we take in. One such case was a little rescued boy with fip. It took six months of very expensive treatment to cure him, but cure him we did and two years down the line, he is fully recovered and living the very best life. He was weeks from death when diagnosed but we believe that all life is precious and that every cat deserves a chance of life. We pay the bulk of all bills ourselves.

The donation pays towards:

Please don’t walk a cat on a harness and lead. They back out of the harness and can be lost or badly injured. We are called Indoorcatslondon for the very reason that all our cats must remain indoors. 

Please note we do not immunise our UK rescues because we require them to be fully indoor only. The Romanian rescues have to be immunised by law as they are coming from one country to another. 

The cats rescued from Romania are trapped and cared for by a wonderful vet and two other amazing women. They have the very best of care and are thoroughly vet checked, immunised, blood tested, neutered, chipped, flea treated and wormed during their time with their carer. They arrive with their passport and all paperwork. The cost of bringing a cat from Romania is now £225. This covers their transportation. The Romanian rescuers receive no financial help with their rescues so if you are able, please consider giving them a donation to help their remarkable work (we recommend a £50 per cat). Life for animals in Romania is beyond brutal and these rescuers are shining lights in an otherwise dark and dangerous existence for the poor strays that die on their cruel streets. The blood testing, worming, flea treatments, rabies tests etc come out of their own pockets which makes their lives very difficult. Since Brexit, transportation costs have increased exponentially. Now DEFRA insists that all new owner’s details are registered on the chip and paperwork before the cat leaves Romania. On agreeing to adopt, I will pass the Romanian vets details to you and she will explain everything to you. We receive no donation for the cats we rehome from Romania.